N.B. Unfortunately, centuries ago most ancient Greek works were given Latin titles and abbreviations derived from the Latin titles. As a lover of all things Greek, I consider that to be an abomination and I loathe it! So, I avoid using the Latin titles. However, for the sake of clarity I have listed them below. Instead, I generally use the full English titles of ancient works as I think that is clearer for the reader.
Ailianos Taktikos (floruit early 2nd Century CE) ➤ Aelianus the tactican, Aelian [Ael. Tact.]
Aiskhines of Athens (floruit ca. 348–330 BCE) ➤ Aischines, Aeschines [Aeschin.]
Andokides of Athens (floruit ca. 415–390 BCE) ➤ Andocides [And.]
Aristoteles of Stagiros (384–322 BCE) ➤ Aristotle [Arist., Aristot.]
Arrianos (85/90–145/160 CE) ➤ Lucius Flavius Arrianus, Arrian [Arr.]
Asklepiodotos (floruit 1st Century BCE) ➤ Asclepiodotus [Ascl.]
Cornelius Nepos (floruit 1st Century BCE) ➤ [Nep.]
Demosthenes of Athens (ca. 384/383–322 BCE) ➤ [D., Dem.]
Diodoros of Agyrion (floruit ca. 60–30 BCE). ➤ Diodorus Siculus [D.S., Diod.]
Diogenes Laertios (floruit ca. mid-3rd Century CE?) ➤ Diogenes Laertius [D.L., Diog. Laert.]
Frontinus, Sextus Julius (floruit late 1st Century CE) ➤ [Frontin.]
Hellēnika Oxyrhynkhia (ca. early 4th Century BCE) ➤ Hellenica Oxyrhynchia [Hell. Oxy.]
Herodotos of Halikarnassos (ca. 485–424 BCE). ➤ Herodotus [Hdt.]
Hesiodos of Askra (floruit ca. 700 BCE). ➤ Hesiod [Hes.]
Isokrates of Athens (ca. 436–338 BCE) ➤ Isocrates [Isoc.]
Lysias of Athens/Thourioi (ca. 445–380 BCE) ➤ [Lys.]
Pausanias the periēgētēs (ca. 115–180 CE) ➤ [Paus.]
Platon of Athens (ca. 428/427–348/347 BCE) ➤ Plato [Pl.]
Ploutarkhos of Khaironeia (ca. 45–125 CE) ➤ Plutarchus, Plutarch [Plu., Plut.]
Polyainos of Makedonia (floruit ca. 162 CE) ➤ Polyaenus [Polyaen.]
Polybios of Megalopolis (ca. before 199–120 BCE) ➤ Polybius [Plb., Pol.]
Strabon of Amaseia (floruit ca. 62 BCE–23/24 CE) ➤ Strabo [Str.]
Thoukydides of Athens (ca. 460–397 BCE) ➤ Thucydides [Th., Thuc.]
Tyrtaios (floruit ca. mid-7th Century BCE) ➤ Tyrtaeus [Tyrt.]
Xenophon of Athens (ca. 430–354 BCE): ➤ [X., Xen.]
My principal sources for the spelling of ancient names are:
Ailianos Taktikos (floruit early 2nd Century CE) ➤ Aelianus the tactican, Aelian [Ael. Tact.]
- Peri Stratēgikōn Taxeōn Hellēnikōn (On the Military Arrangements of the Greeks)
Aiskhines of Athens (floruit ca. 348–330 BCE) ➤ Aischines, Aeschines [Aeschin.]
- Kata Ktēsiphōntos (Against Ktesiphon) ➤ Speech 3 [Ctes.]
- Peri tēs Parapresbeias (On the Dishonest Embassy) ➤ Speech 2, On the Embassy, De Falsa Legatione [Leg.]
Andokides of Athens (floruit ca. 415–390 BCE) ➤ Andocides [And.]
- Peri tōn Mystēriōn (Concerning the Mysteries)
Aristoteles of Stagiros (384–322 BCE) ➤ Aristotle [Arist., Aristot.]
- Athēnaiōn Politeia (Constitution of the Athenians) ➤ [Ath. Pol., Const. Ath.]
Arrianos (85/90–145/160 CE) ➤ Lucius Flavius Arrianus, Arrian [Arr.]
- Anabasis (Going Up) ➤ [Anab.]
- Tekhnē Taktikē (The Tactical Art) ➤ Ars Tactica, Tactics [Tact.]
Asklepiodotos (floruit 1st Century BCE) ➤ Asclepiodotus [Ascl.]
- Tekhnē Taktikē (The Tactical Art)
Cornelius Nepos (floruit 1st Century BCE) ➤ [Nep.]
- De Viris Illustribus (About Illustrious Men) ➤ Vitae (Lives)
Demosthenes of Athens (ca. 384/383–322 BCE) ➤ [D., Dem.]
- Kata Aristokratous (Against Aristokrates) ➤ Speech 23
Diodoros of Agyrion (floruit ca. 60–30 BCE). ➤ Diodorus Siculus [D.S., Diod.]
- Bibliothēkēs Historikēs (Historical Library)
Diogenes Laertios (floruit ca. mid-3rd Century CE?) ➤ Diogenes Laertius [D.L., Diog. Laert.]
- Bioi kai Gnōmai tōn en Philosophia Eudokimēsantōn (Lives and Opinions of the Highly Esteemed in Philosophy)
Frontinus, Sextus Julius (floruit late 1st Century CE) ➤ [Frontin.]
- Strategemata (Stratagems) ➤ [Str.]
Hellēnika Oxyrhynkhia (ca. early 4th Century BCE) ➤ Hellenica Oxyrhynchia [Hell. Oxy.]
Herodotos of Halikarnassos (ca. 485–424 BCE). ➤ Herodotus [Hdt.]
- Historiai (Enquiries) ➤ Histories
Hesiodos of Askra (floruit ca. 700 BCE). ➤ Hesiod [Hes.]
- Erga kai Hēmerai (Works and Days) ➤ Opera et Dies [WD, Op.]
Isokrates of Athens (ca. 436–338 BCE) ➤ Isocrates [Isoc.]
- Areopagitikos (Areopagitic, i.e. Relating to the Areopagos)
- Kata Lokhitou (Against Lokhitos)
Lysias of Athens/Thourioi (ca. 445–380 BCE) ➤ [Lys.]
- Kata Agoratou (Against Agoratos)
- Kata Eratosthenous (Against Eratosthenes)
Pausanias the periēgētēs (ca. 115–180 CE) ➤ [Paus.]
- Periēgēsis Hellados (Tour of Greece) ➤ Description of Greece
Platon of Athens (ca. 428/427–348/347 BCE) ➤ Plato [Pl.]
- Apologia Sōkratous (Defense of Sokrates) ➤ Apologia [Ap.]
- Epistolai (Letters) ➤ Epistulae [Ep.]
- Kharmides ➤ Charmides [Chrm.]
Ploutarkhos of Khaironeia (ca. 45–125 CE) ➤ Plutarchus, Plutarch [Plu., Plut.]
- Erōtikos (On Love) ➤ Amatorius [Amat.] — Moralia 748e–771e
- Gynaikōn Aretai (Virtues of Women) ➤ Mulierum Virtutes [Mulier.] — Moralia 242e–263c
- Kamillos ➤ The Life of Camillus [Cam.]
- Lakainōn Apophthegmata (Sayings of Lakonian Women) ➤ Lacaenarum Apophthegmata, Sayings of Spartan Women — Moralia 240b–242d
- Pelopidas ➤ The Life of Pelopidas [Pel.]
- Peri tēs Hērodotou Kakoētheias (On the Malice of Herodotos) ➤ De Malignitate Herodoti [De Herod.] — Moralia 854e–873
- Poteron Athēnaioi Kata Polemon ē Kata Sophian Endoxoteroi (Whether the Athenians are More Honoured for War or for Wisdom) ➤ De Gloria Atheniensium (On the Glory of the Athenians) — Moralia 345c–351b
- Solon ➤ The Life of Solon [Sol.]
- Symposion tōn Hepta Sophōn (Symposium of the Seven Sages) ➤ Septem Sapientium Convivium [Septem.] — Moralia 146b–164d
Polyainos of Makedonia (floruit ca. 162 CE) ➤ Polyaenus [Polyaen.]
- Stratēgika (For a General) ➤ Stratagems [Strat.]
Polybios of Megalopolis (ca. before 199–120 BCE) ➤ Polybius [Plb., Pol.]
- Historiai (Enquiries) ➤ Histories
Strabon of Amaseia (floruit ca. 62 BCE–23/24 CE) ➤ Strabo [Str.]
- Geōgraphika (Geographical [Treatise]) ➤ Geography
Thoukydides of Athens (ca. 460–397 BCE) ➤ Thucydides [Th., Thuc.]
- Historiai (Enquiries) ➤ Histories
Tyrtaios (floruit ca. mid-7th Century BCE) ➤ Tyrtaeus [Tyrt.]
Xenophon of Athens (ca. 430–354 BCE): ➤ [X., Xen.]
- Anabasis (Going Up) ➤ [An.]
- Apologia Sōkratous Pros tous Dikastas (Defense of Sokrates Before the Jurors) ➤ Apologia [Ap.]
- Apomnēmoneumata (Memorial Records) ➤ Memorabilia [Mem.]
- Hellēnika (Greek Affairs) ➤ Hellenica [Hell.], Historia Graeca [HG]
- Hipparkhikos (For the Cavalry Commander) ➤ De Equitum Magistro [Eq. Mag.]
- Kyrou Paideia (The Education of Cyrus) ➤ Cyropaedia, Institutio Cyri [Cyr.]
- Peri Hippikēs (On Horsemanship) ➤ De Equitandi Ratione [Eq.]
My principal sources for the spelling of ancient names are:
- Brill’s New Pauly New Pauly Online. Edited by Hubert Cancik and Helmuth Schneider (Antiquity) and Manfred Landfester (Classical Tradition). English translation edited by Christine F. Salazar (Antiquity) and Francis G. Gentry (Classical Tradition). 1996–.
- A Greek–English Lexicon: With a Supplement 1968. Compiled by Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott. New (9th) Edition. Revised and augmented thoughout by Sir Henry Stuart Jones with the assistance of Roderick McKenzie. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973.
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